
Search Engine Statistics and Why We Do, What We Do

In April, comScore Networks released a montly analysis of search activity in the major search engines. The data reflects searches made in the month of March, 2006.

Google Sites - 42.7%
Yahoo! Sites - 28%
MSN-Microsoft Sites - 13.2
Time Warner Network - 7.6
Ask (Ask Jeeves) - 5.9%

Knowing where the numbers are is important, but knowing how people interact with the search engines is equally critical.

These statics come from The Kelsey Group :

  • 35% of online shoppers reported loyalty to one search engine
  • 53% said that they used two or three search engines
  • 10% percent indicated that they used four or more search engines regularly

In a recent blog, I sited (March 2006), noted the importance of web search in influencing offline purchasing. The statistics (the study was sponsored by Google) looked like this :

  • 25% purchased an item directly reelated to their query
  • Of those, 37% completed their purchase online
  • Of the 25% noted above, 63% completed their purchase offline following their search.

It should be noted, that the study was timed for the holiday season of 2005. Overall statistics might alter during other seasons.

We look at search engine marketing like investing in the stock market. You want to make informed decisions, work with a fixed budget, hope for a postitive return on investment, and trust you advisor.

It's a good analagy to point that "turnkey" search marketing initiatives don't work. So why do we do what we do? And what should you do to promote your web site in the major search engines?

  1. Base all marketing decisions on qualified data. Keyword assessments & web analytics are two elements we assess early in a search marketing campaign.
  2. Determine the purpose of your campaign. Direct sales, lead generation, online branding? This will help dictate the best programs to be involved in.
  3. Select appropriate programs. There is a variety of ways to market your business on the Internet. Determine a budget, and seek advice on the best programs to start with.
  4. Track your responses - all of them. The response to search marketing isn't always direct, nor is it always instantaneous. Every entry to your company should be guarded by the words "how did you hear about us?" Spend your budget accordingly.
  5. Get ready for a long haul. Internet marketing is growing at ever increasing rates. Be prepared to learn about this medium so that over time you can participate more in the decision making. For many businesses, marketing budgets are shifing strongly toward the Internet. Learn about the various ways to market your busines, and seek advice how to best invest in this medium.
